ASAP Cast: Our New Podcast is Live

We are thrilled to present ASAP Cast, a new initiative drawing attention to practitioners, curators, writers and institutions that have shaped South Asia's cultural diversity.

During this challenging year, we have been reflecting on spaces in this region that have theorised an emergent discourse around novel ways of engaging with the present. Online productions and evolving virtual forms have once again compelled us to think about our physical presence in space and the ways in which we experience works of art. These conversations are then entry points into discovering new archives, educational ventures, exhibitions, biennales and triennales—that maintain a strong connection within the subcontinent, even as they respond to global issues. 

We reached out to several practitioners in June this year to better understand the history and context of contemporary art, as well as the future of practice in South Asia. With contemporary art moving beyond traditional art centres, these casts seek to foray into some of the analytical and practical dimensions affecting practice.

The ASAP Cast series is supported by the Alkazi Foundation for the Arts.