Experimental Image-making: Jagadish Upadhya's Collective of Film-based Photography
Founded and run by photographer Jagadish Upadhya, Film Foundry is a collective concerned with alternative forms of photography on film. Currently, Film Foundry operates a studio for film-based photography in Kathmandu where they process and develop film and also offer workshops and practical training in film-based photography.
Talking about his interest in experimental processes, Upadhya says, “In a time where the world runs on instantaneous, virtual platforms, we find a sense of comfort in remaining grounded in a traditional, material and experimental engagement with photography.”
Upadhya’s interests lie in exploring the medium while fusing different photographic techniques and experimenting with various alternate printing processes and toning—silver gelatin prints, emulsion and selenium toning among others. He often photographs people going through their daily lives as well as the festivities, cultures and traditions of his hometown Kathmandu. The selections presented here are representative of his collage and montage works, using the human subject in his compositions as a way to explore the contours of perception.
To read more about Film Foundry, please search for "Collaged Photographs: Selected Works of Rupesh Man Singh."
All images by Jagadish Upadhya.
Click on the image to view the album
![Self through the Pinhole. (Kathmandu, 1990-2019. Self-Portrait Series. Silver Gelatin Print [Cold Brown Toned]. 8 × 10 inches.)](https://asapconnect.in/public/storage/posts/January2021/nzFQ3kuLSkOuvw5t36kH.jpg)